Monday, 16 September 2013

Can food items as corporate gifts truly improve the work conditions?

The question is a delicate one because it has to take into account mor than just the question of whether the employees work better when food is provided, promo items a question that in most cases can be answered positively. What remains to be seen however is to what extent food as an incentive can actually be considered a positive way to influence the employees.
The corporate gifts  are often times seen as recompense for a job well done, for hitting the imposed milestones, or getting in front of them, for actually being capable of reaching or going further than the stated target/requirements. But, since food is a daily requirement the idea that an employer would use basic needs as a way to incentivize employees might have the exact opposite effect.
However, when the problem is tackled from the right perspective, when the work conditions are considered more carefully and the foods themselves are not everyday items it might actually work great.
The idea is to organize the giving of promo gifts in such a manner so as to not appear that the company is going for any type of giveaways as if they had run out of money. promo gifts This can be done by organizing a feat type of event where the people invited are the employees, all of them and not only the well performing ones.
If only the well performing ones are to be offered a positive enforcement than the lunch should be offered outside of the office space so as to not affect the working day. It should remain in the premise of the individuals to choose whether or not they offer to invite any other employees or if they communicate the dinner situation to the others.
The promo gifts are generally a question of appearing as a festive element and not one that is a cheap trick. Also, it should not be blown out of proportions. It is a basket of edible goods or a dinner outside the confines of the office space/work building.
As long as the event promo gifts being given are not considered more important than they are there is no better way to actually do it. Respect and the corporate gifts can go hand in hand in strengthening the relationships in the work space and that should always be the case and no other way of looking at it should be hinted.

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